Wednesday, October 23, 2013



Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more than clothes?

I really took this verse and began to run with it. I used to worry so much about an outward appearance and for what if my soul was empty.. As a new born Christian its hard to not conform anymore to the ways of the world when the world is all around you and its all you known. God took my broken heart and showed me how much worth I really have and that it doesn't come from my clothes or my weight but my imagine was made in the image of him.

I look at my daughter she is 16 months now and I couldn't imagine her growing up thinking she is anything less then beautiful. Not because I gave birth to her but because if she could see herself as I see her she would see she is perfect. I sit back and think how much more could God possibly have thought of me. You see when my father passed away I felt like the only thing I could control was food. So I decided to stop eating or eat a lot then I felt fat and I would throw up. Then God brought me out of it showed this verse and never will I let physical looks control me again. I was told I was fat ugly and other things but the word says I am beautiful and made in his image. So to everyone who never knew they are perfect the way they are I want to spread the word. I want to tell people life is so much more then worrying about what to eat how to eat or what to wear or how we look. Our purpose through Christ is something I still cant seem to understand but I am learning and growing each day.

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